Foam cementation (with the usage of nitrogen-equipment, automatic nitrogen-injection and foam generator);
Squeeze job (leakage of Float Shoe and МКП elimination; absorption elimination during well-construction);
Cementing with rotation of casing shoe;
Well services with AHRP/ALRP;
Injection/pumping of liquids under high pressure;
Selling of high-tech materials for cementing/repair/water shut-off of Wells;
Dry-mixing preparation service;
Selling of column furnishings / floating equipment / packer-type systems;
Lab-testing of cementing liquids and flushing fluid in accordance with API, ISO and GOST (All-Union State Standard);
Engineering and consulting services;
Software modeling of the cementing process (hydraulic calculations, centration; casing shoe stretch; calculating the probability of fluid kick; 3D-visualisation);
Conducting of training courses on the cementation of wells.
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